Thursday, February 26, 2009
Her name was Free Spirit..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Jewish Journal Article...
So I was given a few questions to answer from a woman who wanted to publish a "menshe" article in the Florida Jewish Journal...It stressed me out a bit, sometimes it's hard to find the words, especially on delicate matters such as the war. I hope it all came out right...whaalaah..enjoy.
1) What is life like in
The recent war (Or shall I say “operation”) along with the past elections has naturally made it a fascinating time to be living in
I recall a conversation that I had with a friend that I had made while I was sitting in a pile of army uniforms at a base in the South of Israel outside of Beer Sheva. My fellow ‘OTZMAnakim’ and I were a part of Sar-El which is an opportunity to volunteer in the Israel Defense Force. Ironically enough, we did this volunteering within the very week that the Operation Cast Lead had begun in
I think back to before I came to
2) How would you describe Project Otzma and your volunteer work in
‘OTZMAnakim’ joke about how we have the Otzma description down to a science. We always get the same questions. “Why are you here, and what are you doing” seems to come up every day from interested and curious Israelis. I would describe Otzma as the most rewarding, self-fulfilling 10 month post-college experience. It is hard to step outside of the whirlwind while it is in full circle, but as I try to put this experience into words, all I can say is that I can feel the warmth in my heart each and every day for the work that I am currently doing here in Israel. The first three months in
I am currently living in the north of
4) What inspires you to volunteer?
As Ghandi said, "Be the change that you want to see in the world." A year ago while I was sitting in my home in
6) What is the most meaningful part of volunteering to you?
I must admit on the first day that I came to visit the
Sunday, February 22, 2009
As the rain finally falls....

I embraced this rainy weekend, 'it's a great day for the poor Kinneret'
I find it hard to step out of the whirlwind while it is in full twirl but it would be an absolute bassa (shame) to forget the moments, the thoughts. I have been in Israel for about six months already and at moments I feel it has only just begun but from experience I know that these times fly by before the blink of an eye. I want to savor every taste, breathe in every aroma, feel every emotion, yada yada. Sometimes when I get lost in these dramatic tangents I joke to myself that I should offer some crackers to go along with all this cheeeeeese!
So I decided I was going to create one of the blogs to jot down the random thoughts, maybe a great quote I have stumbled upon or perhaps a suggestion for a movie to watch, a book to read, a song to listen to, a recipe to cook up...sit back, enjoy and share your thoughts along with me.
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
And if I am only for myself, what am I?
And if not now, when?"--Pirkei Avot
"The search for my glasses is endless,
so too is the search for me,
if only I could find them, I would have them,
so through my blindness,
I choose to go, to do and to be.~~~The first time I was in Israel we climbed to the top of a mountain, unfortunately the name has escaped me but the view was indescribable. We sat around in pure contentment and with pride for the mountain we had just conquered. A friend of mine told me this quote and it shook me, I held on to these words from that day on. It was beautiful and it was me.
Did ya know, 'Humans are the only animal that blushes, laughs, has religion, wages war and kisses with lips'
(not my words, but I like em)
~I do not care what car you drive. where you live. if you know someone who know's someone who knows someone. If your clothes are this years cutting edge. If your trust fund is unlimited, if your an A list or a B list or never heard of you list. I only care about the words that flutter from your mind, They are the only thing you truly own.The only thing I will remember you by. I will not fall in love with your bones and skin. I will not fall in love with the places you been. I will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from your extraordinary mind.~
Yesterday I was at a gas station in Afula and I was watching a van full of Hasidim Jews gathering around the gas pump trying to figure out why their pump was not pumping gas and for some reason I thought this scene was hilarious. A joke came to mind, how many hats does it take to pump a tank of gas....
it was so silly to me, I love that I can constantly entertain myself with the inner workings of my own mind, 'if you can't be your own best friend, than whadya got in life, nothin! Anyway this scene was one of those great 'only in Israel' moments that I simply adore which leads me to....drumroll please, my next blog-Only in Israel.....see ya then!