Monday, March 2, 2009

Through rose colored lenses...

I was sitting on the bus the other day and the boy in front of me was taking a picture out the window. From my seat behind him I could see exactly what he saw behind his lense, and then it hit me. I realized why I am so fascinated with photography. For one moment in time everything is frozen. A moment is frozen, a moment that the photographer saw something beautiful. Something worth pushing that button and holding that moment forever. You get to see what strikes others and moves others without any words. Through their eyes, they see something. and the moment I see a picture I think about the thoughts that may have came to mind at the moment the finger is released to hold this image. I feel a bit closer to the person, even a complete stranger. It's similar to the feeling I have when I peek through someone's music. To me this is just as personal as a secret diary. The playlist to our lives; the beats that make us, shake us and break us. They say, when words leave off, music begins...

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